Running in the days leading up to the world conference, pre-conference seminars are smaller, practical, generally workshop-based events centred around an area of interest or practice. Each is hosted by an ISME Commission or the Forum and full information can be found here. Hover over the button called HOME in the top right hand corner and a dropdown menu will appear for each of the seminars.
If you want to go directly to a seminar the links are:
- CEPROM - Education of the Professional Musician
- Community Music Activity
- ECME - Early Childhood Music Education
- Instrumental and Vocal Teaching Forum
- MISTEC - Music in Schools and Teacher Education
- Policy: Culture, Education and Media
- Research
- Special Music Education and Music Therapy
Most are being held in Helsinki. Two are being held elsewhere in Finland and one is being held in Tallinn, just a two hour ferry ride from Helsinki. So it's all very close by and simple.