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The latest news from ISME
World conference image representing a mouth
18.05.2021 | News
World conference calls for submissions and pe...
The ISME World Conference call for submissions and performers is CLOSED
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30.04.2021 | News
ISME-Sempre music education research grant re...
A wide range of music education research projects received grants in the 2021 round.
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Sheet music that has been made into a funnel
17.12.2020 | News
ISME-SEMPRE Music Education Research Grants
Grants of up to US$3,000 available for research into music education practices
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two little kids on a kids xylophone having great fun
02.12.2020 | News
Is it time to renew your membership?
For 1600 music educators, their membership lapses at the end of this month. Click through to find out how to renew.
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Indian music visionaries meet with ISME
23.11.2020 | News
Advocacy campaign moves forward in India
ISME's President and Chair of the Advocacy Committee met with Indian music visionaries
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01.10.2020 | News
Call for chapters: first book from DIME SIG
Call for chapters for first publication from DIME SIG
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Someone watching YouTube on a mobile
30.09.2020 | News
ISME YouTube channel has further expanded
More than 100 videos on the ISME YouTube channel. Check them out!
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Map of the world in pixel-like dots
30.09.2020 | News
Regional conference dates now confirmed for 2...
ISME's network of regional conferences are now being confirmed for 2021
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30.09.2020 | News
Decolonising and Indigenising Music Education...
A new Special Interest Group, Decolonising and Indigenising Music Education is now officially launched
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